Favourite pose: Child pose

Favourite place to eat: My mom’s..or Ten Foot Henry

Coffee in the morning: Cacao & Mushroom Tea

Something you may not know: I have been skydiving and bungee jumping.

 Favourite Artist: Ed Sheeran

It doesn’t matter if you are the best sailor in the world. If there is no wind, you are not going anywhere. No one has ever made it anywhere 100% on their own.


My yoga practice started in 2013 in the hot yoga room when I was looking for a substitute for the gym. Initially, hot yoga was the style of yoga that brought me to my mat. I was a competitive athlete in my teens and loved playing team sports. However, flexibility was never my strong suit and for this reason I never envisioned myself practicing yoga let alone becoming a yoga instructor. I could run laps, sprint sidelines, dribble a ball but, if you asked me to touch my toes I was too embarrassed to even attempt.

At the beginning of my yoga journey that’s all it was about, touching my toes and staying in shape. But I soon realized through my commitment to the physical practice and pranayama (breath), yoga was more than the asana (postures) it was a magnificent journey for healing. I was surrounded by a vibrant community that offered a safe space where I could discover more about my body, mind, and soul. Through this practice I have learned to create more balance in my life and share more love and compassion for myself and to others.

There is so much discovery that occurs when we take time to be on our mat and as an instructor I will integrate my knowledge of asana, meditation, and pranayama so you to can build strength, flexibility and balance on and off your mats. Oh, and we will have tons of FUN doing so!