Why We Love Infrared Hot Yoga
How Infrared Heat Works
Infrared heat is a deeper, more efficient form of heating that offers unique therapeutic benefits. It increases your body temperature by penetrating your skin and tissues and warming you from the inside out at the cellular level. About 80% of the infrared energy is absorbed by your body, while only 20% heats the surrounding air to increase your flexibility and support a deeper, more effective practice.
The Benefits
Our University District studio utilizes infrared heat for a comfortably hot environment with a heat that penetrates your body directly which leads to more efficient sweating, toxin release, and reduced inflammation. The benefits include:
Detoxification and Boosts Metabolism: Infrared heat helps the body release stored toxins, revs up your metabolism and promotes a detoxifying sweat at the cellular level. Combined with yoga’s lymphatic drainage, it’s an ultra-efficient cleanse.
Purifies the Skin: Stimulates collagen production, boosts circulation and improves skin tone to give you a healthy, radiant glow.
Muscle Recovery & Pain Relief: Infrared heat penetrates the tissues to relieve minor aches and pains and arthritis. It can also speed up injury recovery and reduce symptoms of chronic pain and stiffness.
Enhanced Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The gentle, penetrating heat helps to relax muscles and ease tension, promoting a state of deep relaxation and stress relief. It’s an excellent way to unwind and enhance your overall well-being.
Experience Infrared Heated Yoga at our University District Studio
Feel the transformative benefits of infrared hot yoga for yourself — improved flexibility, better circulation, detoxification, and a deeper sense of well-being.