How to I cancel my subscription?

Sign into your account and follow the instructions for canceling from a website HERE.

What equipment do I need for the workouts?

The Ritual workouts are designed so that you require minimal or no equipment. Equipment is always optional and you can modify if you are limited or without. A yoga mat folded a couple times is great for adding extra cushioning under the hips and knees when performing mat sequences.

For Sculpt classes, we recommend: A pair of 1-3 lb ankle weights, a set of light 2-3lb hand weights and a slider (sub a paper plate on carpet or hand towel on hardwood or socks) Other optional equipment are a long resistance band, loop resistance band, Pilates ball and a yoga block.

For the OC Online Studio, you’ll need an indoor spin bike, cycling shoes and a set of light hand weights (we recommend anywhere from 1-5lb).

Can I do the classes if I am pregnant or right after I have a baby?

Most of our classes can be modifited to be pre and post-natal friendly. Our instructors will provide low-impact modifications for cardio and you can also modify with no equipment. We encourage you to consult your doctor before participating in any of our online classes.